School of Film and Visual Media, Francisco Marroquín University (UFM), Guatemala City, Guatemala 

Founded over 50 years ago in the vibrant heart of Guatemala City, Universidad Francisco Marroquín has earned a reputation for its unwavering dedication to fostering an entrepreneurial spirit across a diverse range of academic disciplines. At the core of our institution’s mission is the commitment to imparting the ethical, legal, and economic principles that underpin a society of individuals who are both free and responsible.  

In 2016, a new chapter in our journey began as we introduced the four-year Bachelor of Arts program in Film, Visual Media, and Entrepreneurship. This initiative was carefully crafted to not only provide students with a comprehensive education in the art of filmmaking but also to nurture their entrepreneurial drive and cultivate a global perspective within the realm of the arts.  

Our curriculum places a distinct emphasis on honing the skills essential to the realms of directing, producing, and scriptwriting. However, what sets our program apart is its seamless integration of these artistic elements with the dynamic world of entrepreneurship. This fusion creates an environment of co-creation, one that serves as a melting pot for aspiring filmmakers and visionary artists, all united by their passion for telling stories and their desire to leave an indelible mark on the world.  

Students can immerse themselves in an education with a global orientation. The program’s professors encompass national and international professionals from the USA, Latin America, Spain, and various other regions, offering a comprehensive outlook and significant affiliations with acclaimed filmmakers and artists. The involvement of these industry specialists enhances the student’s experience, ensuring a holistic education and significant opportunities for networking 

Within the academic curriculum, students engage in a four-year journey encompassing an array of courses taught by academics and practitioners. Coupled with this are tailored learning experiences, aimed at guiding students through supervised practical exercises. Culminating their studies demands leading a final project a self-written, produced, and directed short film. This undertaking compels students to apply acquired skills and principles while confronting the real-life challenges associated with making a film. Noteworthy proficiencies cultivated include leadership, filmmaking, resourcefulness, fundraising, budget management, and distribution. To date, more than 60 short films have been successfully completed and distributed. 

Furthermore, in their final semester, students have the opportunity to opt for a variety of experiences tailored to their personal and professional interests. These encompass spearheading a creative project, participating in exchange programs, and embarking on internships with production companies situated both in Guatemala and abroad. Thus far, our students have successfully undertaken internships at esteemed production companies like Fábula (Chile and Mexico), Motivo Media (US), Vértice 360 (Spain), La Casa de Producción (Guatemala), Zamora Films (Mexico), among others. This serves to expand their professional network, cultivate new skills, and foster a comprehensive global outlook of the film industry. 

Graduates from our inaugural class, just a few years after the program’s inception, have already garnered recognition on the global stage. Their work has been celebrated in esteemed film festivals such as Sundance and the LA Film Awards.  

Degree Levels & Admission 

The main degree offered is a Bachelor of Arts in Film, Visual Media, and Entrepreneurship. The language of instruction encompasses both Spanish and English. Tuition fees amount to 9,300 per annum. In the 2022/2023 academic year, the program received over 200 applications, while the number of enrolled students for the same year reached 36. The student admission process involves various components, starting with an Academic Performance Test and the OTIS General Intelligence Test, alongside a creative proposal (either a short film or script) and an optional artistic portfolio. This multifaceted evaluation is subsequently followed by an in-person interview. 

Successful Graduates 

  • Emily Raquel Gularte Oliva: Emily is an accomplished scriptwriter and director who has earned accolades for her short film “Lagartija (Lizard),” securing victory in the Sundance Ignite Challenge of 2019. Her work garnered recognition at prestigious festivals, including the Mill Valley Film Festival (USA), Icaro Internacional Film Festival (Guatemala), and more. Emily’s journey continues as she pursues a Master’s degree at The American Film Institute (AFI), highlighting her dedication to advancing cinematic excellence. 
  • Fabriccio Díaz: Fabriccio is a renowned cinematographer. His short film “Rocío del Mar” earned Best Short Film at the Latin American Film Festival, while his portfolio is showcased at 
  • Isabel Cacacho: Isabel has demonstrated mastery in scriptwriting as shown through her recent completion of a Master’s degree at Vancouver Film School. 
  • Juan H. Zuluaga: Juan has gathered recognition through his thought-provoking short films “Bro!” and “About Queens and Other Colours”m which have been screened at esteemed events including London Short Film Festival (LSFF) and Odense International Film Festival (OFF), Denmark. Juan is also a World Photography Organization award winner. 
  • Mathias Tenenbaum Dicker: Mathias has gathered experience as a director and producer both in Guatemala and abroad. His short film “Mi Papá Tiene Colmillos” received recognition at Icaro Internacional Film Festival (Guatemala) and the Lift-Off Global Network First Time Filmmaker competition (USA). A co-founder of Estudio Apolo, Mathias’ is not only a filmmaker but also an aspiring entrepreneur. 
  • Pedro Pablo Herrera Murcia: Pedro Pablo excels at production and direction, his role as producer in the feature-length film “Cadejo Blanco” stands out, while his short film “Trópico” gained official selections at prominent festivals including Icaro Internacional Film Festival (Guatemala) and BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta (USA). Pedro Pablo has recently completed a master’s degree at UCLA. 
  • Romeo Javier López Aldana: Romeo specializes in direction and cinematography. His creation “Lo Que Ocultan Las Tinieblas (Hidden in Darkness)” is an award-winning short film, celebrated at the New York Film Awards (USA) and London Independent Film Festival (England), among others.