Simon Jon Andreasen

Simon Jon Andreasen is a director of radio, TV, film and games. Simon has for the last six years been working as a teacher at the National Filmschool of Denmark heading the education for animation directors and he is now the head of DADIU (the Danish Academy of Interactive Entertainment) which is a full semester course in which 100 master students from the major Danish universities and art schools create interactive experiences in six interdiciplinary teams.

Worldbuilding and Multiformat for Students and Talents


We live in a time where fictional worlds dominate the media landscape through stream, film and games. The consumption of fictions have broadened to new media and storytelling is not just about Aristotle and character arcs. During the last five years Simon Jon Andreasen have done artistic research at the National Film School of Denmark creating a new method and a model for how to create fictional worlds – storyworlds that can transcend media across artforms. In workshops with students in Europe, Asia and Africa Simon has tested the method which is now beeing used in artistic works amongst students, in graduation projects and in the industry. In 2023 Simon is venturing into the talent layer of future storytellers by doing a series of workshops with school children in highschools and with underprivileged and minorities. The aim is to tap into the young generations own concept of what fiction is and to activate their imagintion by using worldbuilding and storytelling, and thereby help them create a foundation for becomming the future storytellers of films, series, games, VR, transmedia and new story formats we do not yet know. The proposal combines research results, theory and history of worldbuilding and a speedworkshop where the participants will create their own storyworld in the matter of minutes.